Production Shots...

The regal Clodagh Bowyer as Titania

Oberon (Gerard Doyle) and his sassy sidekick Puck (Ashley Brooke)

Oberon watches behind invisibility glasses as Helena (Kea Trevett) woos Demetrius (Kasia Klimiuk) in vain

Fairy mischief...

Titania's fairies sing a lullaby. From the left: Clodagh Bowyer, Elizabeth Oldak,  Irene Galaktionova,  Julie King, Holly Goldstein.

Lovers Hermia (Licia Zegar) and Lysander (Kathryn Lerner) quibble over sleeping arrangements...

The love juice takes its effect...

The transformed Bottom (Maddie Casto) meets the fairy queen

Puck gives an account of the night's sport

The lovers sleep on as Oberon spies on his queen

The odd couple

Gettin' busy on the pageant wagon...

Oberon provides the antidote

Bottom's dream

The "rude" mechanicals perform a tedious brief scene of young Pyramus and his love Thisbe

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